Sunday 8 July 2012

Hello peeps! i know i know i'm what some of u'd call a failed blogger. Well, i'm guilty as charged but it gets better right? Yea it does 'cos i'm on a quest to replace a particular bad habit (whats the bad habit right? nonoya bidness :D) with blogging/reading blogs since they said that it's easier to get rid of bad habits by replacing them with a new habit. I'm gonna be featuring some of the writings of Robert Fulghum, one of the most humorous writer i know plus he makes a lotta sense too. But before that, here's a little something an old jolly friend of mine(even though we're so not jolly friends anymore. What happened? Life) sent to me. It really touched me i must say. So i decided to share it with you guys. Enjoy.


We make many friends,
Some become Dearest,
Some become Special,
Some We Fall in Love with,
Some go Abroad,
Some change their cities,
Some Leave us ,
We Leave some,
Some are in contact,
Some are not in contact,
Some don't contact,
because of their ego,
We don't contact some,
because of our ego,
Wherever they are,
However they are,
We still remember, Love, Miss, N Care about them because of the part they played in our life are forever in our MEMORY.

What would life be without friends, Empty. Appreciate your friends. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them & tell new friends you will never forget them. *Cheers To friendship*