Monday 24 September 2012

Power Searching with Google is Back

If you missed Power Searching with Google a few months ago or were unable to complete the course the first time around, now’s your chance to sign up again.
In this free online course, you will learn about the tools that will help you find information online quickly and easily.

The community-based course features six 50-minute classes along with interactive activities and the opportunity to hear from search experts and Googlers about how search works. Beginning September 24, you can take the classes over a two-week period, share what you learn with other students in a community forum, and complete the course assessments to earn a certificate of completion.

During the course’s first run in July, people told google how they not only liked learning about new features and more efficient ways to use Google, but they also enjoyed sharing tips and learning from one another through the forums and Hangouts. Ninety-six percent of people who completed the course also said they liked the format and would be interested in taking similar courses, so we plan to offer a suite of upcoming courses in the coming months, including Advanced Power Searching.

Stay tuned for further announcements on those upcoming courses, and don’t forget to register now for Power Search with google. You’ll learn about things like how to search by color, image, and time and how to solve harder trivia questions like the A Google a Day questions. We’ll see you when we start up in a few days!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu Named The Chancellor of Lautech

The governments of Oyo and Osun states, Tuesday, appointed former Lagos State governor and National Leader of the Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, as Chancellor of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso. LAUTECH, jointly owned by the two state  governments, was established by the old Oyo State in  1988. A statement in Ibadan, by Dr. Festus Adedayo, Special Adviser to Governor Abiola Ajimobi on Media, said the choice of Tinubu, a financial
expert, accountant and administrator, was  arrived at after extensive deliberations between the governments of the two owner - states. He said Tinubu is expected to bring his administrative ingenuity and vast experience in public management to bear on the running of the institution and reposition it to meet the  standard of its peers all over the world.

However, The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the South-West has described the appointment of former
Governor of Lagos State and Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) leader, Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the
Chancellor of the Ladoke Akintola University (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso as an insult on the academic community in Nigeria. The party, which called on all stakeholders in the Nigeria’s tertiary institutions, especially the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) to stand against the appointment said; “appointing a man who forged his academic certificates as Chancellor of a university will further debase the academic integrity of the country’s universities.” PDP Zonal Publicity Secretary, Hon. Kayode Babade said in a statement issued in Ibadan today, that; “it will be suicidal to holders of academic certificates from Nigeria tertiary institutions if we continue to debase our academic integrity with appointments of people with questionable integrity as heads of our universities.”

The PDP said it was not surprised that the ACN governments in Oyo and Osun States could take their worship of Tinubu as their gods to the ridiculous level of appointing him as head of a university in spite of his known record as a certificates forger, because the ACN the itself is peopled by men of questionable characters. “It is on record that Tinubu forged certificate of Government College, Ibadan and submitted same to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in 1999 as part of his academic credentials. “Tinubu also went further to claim in INEC FORM CF. 001 and the affidavit sworn to at Ikeja High Court
of Justice on December 29, 1998 that he did attended and obtained O’ Level certificate from Government College, Ibadan. “In the same INEC Form CF. 001, Tinubu lied that he was a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the United States.

 “Curiously however, in the INEC Form he filled in 2003, Tinubu did not include these two academic claims. He simply wrote; ‘Not Applicable’ on both his O’ Level and Post Graduate qualifications, meaning that he (Tinubu) knew that he actually lied about his attendance of Government College, Ibadan and qualification as a Certified Public Accountant. “Courtesy of ACN Governors Rauf Aregbesola and Abiola Ajimobi of Osun and Oyo States respectively, such a character is now the one to preside over the Convocation ceremonies of LAUTECH where certificates will be issued. This is insulting! “The academic community must therefore rise in defence of LAUTECH and protect its integrity from being debased on the alter of politics of god-fatherism being practised in the ACN,” PDP said. ok enough of the politics's all bullshit anyway *xcuse my german ;)* my main worry here is if our(yelz i'm a ladokite) school fee isn't gonna sky rocket like *coughs* u knw..and i do hope he's coming to "undeform" this axis.